Showjumping Accuracy Phase 5

Welcome to stage 5
This is the fifth and final stage of your Showjumping Accuracy course.
We now move on to related distances. This is an extremely important phase, as every course you jump, will have at least one related distance in it. The more you do this exercise, the more you will be in tune with your horse’s stride length, and how he travels through a related distance. You will also master the mental steps you need to take, that improve your reaction time to make any necessary corrections.

Mental Steps You Need To Take

1. Determine what type of ride you’re having, on your approach. And then as you land over the first cavaletti, I need you to take action. Either ride forward, or shorten your stride, or just canter on to the next cavaletti. This has to become a habit, and you need to go through this mental process every time you ride a related distance. 

2. Visually lock onto the second part of the related distance as soon as you go over the first. A lot of people just look in the general direction of the next jump, whereas you need a laser focus on the top pole, as soon as you’re going over the first element 

Mix it up…
Once you’re comfortable going through the line on the measured amount of strides, mix it up.
Start off by adding a stride, and then back to the measured amount. Then try adding two, and then you can try leaving one out. The easier this becomes, the better you will be able to handle all types of scenarios when riding a related distance.

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4

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