Welcome to phase three on how to see a distance to a jump!!
It’s time to step it up a level and add a cavaletti into the circle so that you are doing two. This exercise will speed up the time it takes you to re-balance your horse’s canter after a jump. It will also reduce the time you have to find your take-off spot, simulating jumping several jumps in a row.
Kick Your Reaction Time Into High Gear
This exercise on how to see a distance to a jump will reduce the time you have to get organized and find your take-off point. So as far as your eye is concerned, it will speed up the time it takes you to see your stride.
You will need to have your canter nicely balanced and controlled sooner, in order to have the control to find your take-off point.
This can be quite tricky for young or hot horses, so stay patient if that applies to you. Start with just one on a circle. Just canter past the second cavaletti until you’re doing the one well. Then include the second cavaletti in your circle. Remember to always look early, give yourself as much time as you can, to find your take-off spot. As always, warm up with exercise one.
Making the most out of these exercises.
- Keep working on your horse’s adjustability, buy warming up with exercise one.
- Don’t get stuck on a long ride, or a short ride, mix it up if you can.
- If your horse won’t shorten, insist on it, even if it makes you miss.
- If your horse won’t lengthen quickly enough, give him a kick, even if that makes you miss.
- Look early, give yourself as much time to find your stride.
- Enjoy it!! Don’t let the misses bring you down, you will improve.
- This is a long process, stay patient, keep working on the exercises, and you will be rewarded.