Tagged: Rider focused exercises

These rider focused exercises are designed to improve your skill set. There are certain things as a showjumper that you need to do well. There are also things that many riders struggle with. These exercises focus on some of those showjumping skills we can all afford to be better at.

Horse jumping training

Horse jumping training

Horse jumping training exercise This horse jumping training exercise is for the rider that wants to push a little harder to be the best they can be. This exercise isn’t extremely complicated. However, it...

horse jump training

Horse jump training

Horse jump training to tune up your related distances. So in this horse jump training exercise, we’re going to play around with our distances a bit. Course builders don’t always give you the exact...

Horse jump gymnastics

Horse jump gymnastics

Horse jump gymnastics. Ok… so we’ve all done gymnastics… How about a gymnastic track though. This exercise has four gymnastics all strung together to make a gymnastic track. It’s a lot of fun to...