Tagged: Exercises for novice riders

Exercises for novice riders

These exercises are great for novice riders. They will work on your accuracy and help you build confidence. They start off quite easily, and you can work your way to the point where you’re comfortable completing the entire exercise.

Training the young horse

Training the young horse to jump

Training the young horse Training a young horse to jump can be an immensely gratifying endeavor, but it requires patience and consistency. Since horses learn through repetition, you must perform the appropriate exercises repeatedly...

Fun jumping exercises for horses

Fun jumping exercises for horses

Fun jumping exercises for horses Fun jumping exercises for horses and riders are extremely important. Horses and humans learn better when they are relaxed and having fun. High-pressure environments are definitely not ideal to...

Grid work exercises for horses

Grid work for horses

Grid work for horses, and two related distances. Grid work for horses are something you can never really do too much of. As long as there’s an element that will improve your skills as...