
Horseware Cap

Original price was: $16.50.Current price is: $7.00.

I love this Equestrian brand. And so do some of the top riders in the world. Scott Brash, Nick Skelton, Bertram Allen and Mclain Ward to name just a few. Although they started off making rugs, these days, there are very few things they don’t make. The Irish are known as great horseman, so anything equestrian coming out of Ireland catches my attention. Horseware would be right at the top of that list.

These caps are really classy, and like everything from Horseware are oozing quality. The price is also right. Not much more I can say about them. They look awesome, they’re made by Horseware, and they’re very well priced. I’ll let you decide…





Horseware, one of the most iconic equestrian brands in the world

Horseware of Ireland is one of the biggest equestrian brands in the world, and was started in Dundalk Ireland in 1985. The iconic Rambo rug was born after months of stitching, testing and research. This rug has set the standard for all the rugs that have followed. And since that time they have grown to become the world’s most trusted rug manufacturers. The founders Tom and Carrol MacGuinnes were determined to make a turnout rug that didn’t leak, didn’t make the horses sweat, and didn’t slip. Their success lead to the first rug that could claim all three of these factors, and leg to the development of one of the most successful equestrian brands in the world. They have expanded Horseware to produce many other products, but this is where it all started. Some interesting facts about this Equestrian brands factory
  • They make enough rugs everyday to cover a football pitch
  • They test their rugs for at least one year before they hit the shelves
  • Black and navy are their most popular colour
  • Horseware test their rugs on at least 20 horses before their launch
  • They keep a Rambo rug on the roof of the factory for good luck
  • They make the Rambo from ballistic nylon
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