Jumping exercises for young horses

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These are some cool jumping exercises for young horses and novice riders. For the novice rider, it will help you get better at seeing a stride or a distance. It will give you a better feeling for the correct pace to travel through a related distance, and help you travel through them safely and correctly. For the young horse, it will work on their jumping technique and strength. It will work on their adjustability and balance. As well as their control and obedience. It will also teach them to travel through a related distance smoothly and calmly.

Watch the video for all the details.

How to set these jumping exercises for young horses up.

This is a very easy setup, there aren’t a lot of jumps, so you’ll still have the energy to ride it a few times afterward.
Jump 4 and 5
So let’s get the difficult one out of the way first, and start with the line along the top long side of your arena. So you set up this vertical to oxer, related distance, 21 paces apart. Set it up a little off center and a little more toward this side of your arena. Then you add the 5 placing poles 3.5 paces apart.
Jump 1 and 2
Then you set up this little line down the bottom long side of your arena. Starting with the 3 trotting poles, all 1 pace apart. And then roughly 15 paces away you set up the jump with the placing poles. You trot this distance so it’s not related. So it’s a vertical, with placing poles 3 paces away on either side of the jump.
Jump 3
Then you end off with the little gymnastic diagonally across the arena. So it starts off with a vertical 11 paces for 2 strides away from the first cavaletti. Then from the first cavaletti to the second cavaletti, it’s 3 paces for a bounce, and from the last cavaletti to the oxer, it’s 11 paces for 2 strides.

And finally, you set up these two cavalettis in the middle of your arena like so. These will be part of your warm-up routine

Jumping exercises for young horses

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