Show jump training to raise your skill level

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Show jump training

Show jump training that will help make you a better showjumper. Ok, so for this exercise I decided to up the ante a little bit, as far as technicality is concerned. There’re a few big old turnbacks, and a couple of tricky related distances, and it all starts off with quite a demanding little gymnastic. If you’ve done quite a few of my exercises already, you should be good to go for this one. If not, keep it small until you get the feel for it.

There are a few pressure points in this exercise that you need to ride well. I go into those in detail in the video below. So be sure to watch the video as well. I use diagrams and videos to explain what can go wrong and explain what you need to do to ride this exercise well.

How to set up this show jumping exercise

Please note you will need the image below to follow these instructions. There are also set-up instructions on the video above that are slightly easier to follow.

Right, so this isn’t a super complicated setup, but you don’t set it up the way you ride it, so you’re going to have to watch me ride it to see where you need to go. In the video above.
Jump 1
So you start off with the gymnastic down the long side of your arena, and these are the measurements. So it’s 7 paces from the first jump to the oxer. Take note that the first jump is a nice tall cross. Then you have a placing pole exactly in the middle of the two jumps. So it’s 3.5 paces on either side of the placing pole. Then from the oxer to the third vertical, it’s 11 paces for two strides. And from the third vertical to the last vertical it’s 15 paces for 3 strides.
Jump 2, 4, 7 and 8
Then you set up this line down the other long side of your arena. Oxer then 5 strides to a double combination which is an oxer and one stride to a vertical. These are the measurements. So from the oxer to the combination, it walks 24 paces for the 5 strides. And then it’s the standard 8 paces for the one stride combination.
Jump 3 and 6
You then set up this oxer at an angle as shown in the image below. And it needs to be 28 paces away on a curve to the double combination for a 6 stride related distance on a curve.
Jump 5
You then set up a vertical at an angle as shown in the image below. This vertical needs to be 24 paces away from the oxer you just set up (Jump 3 and 6) on a curve, for a 5 stride related distance on a curve.
Jump 2
And finally, between these 2 oxers, you set up a vertical at an angle as shown in the image below for jump 2.

Please feel free to download this image to help build this exercise. It fits perfectly onto your phone, so it helps with the setup.

Show jump training

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So that’s our showjumping training tip for this week. You are also most welcome to join our Facebook group. We are a group of like-minded showjumpers from around the world. We all want to become the best showjumpers we can be. You can post videos and get feedback from the other riders, including myself. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP

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