How to train a horse for show jumping

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How to train a horse for show jumping is a question that can’t simply be answered in one blog post. What is always key though is patience and consistency. Horses always learn better in a calm environment getting exposed to the correct training on a regular basis.

Exercises like this one, and all our others, would be considered correct training. You are welcome to go through all of our training videos and pick one out that you think would suit you and your horse. Work your way through it nice and small, until you’re comfortable riding it. Then put it up to your normal jumping height and repeat the process.

Then come pick out another one, and follow the same process. All these videos are not just shot for the sake of making videos. We are basically filming ourselves training our horses. I do a video once a week, so why not join us. We can train our horses together. You are welcome to ask any questions in the comments below.

You are also most welcome to join our Facebook group. We are a group of like-minded showjumpers from around the world. We all want to become the best showjumpers we can be. You can post videos and get feedback from the other riders, including myself. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP
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Let’s get started training your horse for show jumping

Let’s get to the business of How to train a horse for show jumping.
Ok, so this exercise starts off with a little line that will get your horse jumping nice and round over his fences, and get him really jumping off his hocks. It then goes onto a little track that has a testing line a turnback and a related distance on a curve. At first glance, it may come across as sweet and innocent, but there are a few areas you need to ride well.


Jump 1
So you start off by setting this little line up down the long side of your arena. And the measurements are as follows. Its seven paces between the three verticals. And then it’s 14.5 paces from the last vertical to the oxer for 3 short strides. You then add the placing pole which will help you a little bit with the short distances. So the placing poles between the verticals go exactly in the middle. So it’s 3.5 paces each way. And then you add another placing pole 3.5 away from the oxer.
Jump 2
You then set up a vertical at an angle like this
Jump 3 and 4
You then set up this line down the other long side of your area. Starting with an oxer. Then 20 paces from the oxer you set up this double combination. It’s a one stride combination, so walks 8 paces, and it starts with an oxer and ends with a vertical.
Jump 5
And finally, you set up this vertical 32 paces away from the oxer at number 3 for a seven stride related distance on a curve. And that’s it you’re all set up and ready to go.

How to train a horse for show jumping

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