Horse jump exercises

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Horse jump exercises

Horse jump exercises that will make you a more skillful rider, and improve your horse’s jumping technique. This exercise will really get you riding your turns well. There’s also a nice two-part related distance that will sharpen your reaction time. By that, I mean, get you thinking and planning ahead. You will also get some good practice riding the correct line on your related distances on a curve. And it all starts off with a gymnastic that will get your horse using his body and some scope, as well as sharpening up his technique in front.

Be sure to watch the video below. It includes detailed setup instructions. I also demonstrate how to ride the exercise. Although my horse was super fresh the day we filmed this. So there were a few sketchy moments with him playing the fool. I’ll also go into some of the pressure points you’re likely to encounter, and how best to negotiate them.

So be sure to check out some of my other horse jump exercises as well. I do one a week, and the last time I counted there were over thirty listed on my website.


Ok so this is how you set this exercise up:
Jump 1 (Gymnastic)
 You start off by setting up the gymnastic down the long side of your arena. You want to try to set it up closer to this corner of your arena. So it starts off with a cavaletti, then 6 paces away, you set up quite a low but wide oxer. Then 6 and a half paces away you set up another low wide oxer. And lastly, 7 paces away you set up a vertical.
Jump 2
Then in line with the end of the gymnastic, you set up a vertical.
Jump 3
After that right next door to the upright you just set up, you build another vertical at a right angle to the side of your arena.
Jump 4
Followed by an oxer at an angle as indicated
Jump 5
Then 32 paces away on the curve you set this vertical up for a 7 stride related distance on a curve.
Jump 6
And lastly, 28 paces away from the vertical on a curve, you set this oxer up for 6 stride related distance on a curve.

showjumping exercises for horse and rider

Some of our latest exercises:

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So that’s our showjumping training tip for this week. You are also most welcome to join our Facebook group. We are a group of like-minded showjumpers from around the world. We all want to become the best showjumpers we can be. You can post videos and get feedback from the other riders, including myself. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP

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