Good jumping exercises for horses

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Good jumping exercises for horses and riders.

Good jumping exercises for horses are really the best way to improve your horse’s ability as a showjumper. However, the really good jumping exercises for horses work on the horse, as well as improve the rider’s skill level as well. I always like to include both aspects in my exercises. Too often one is neglected. I feel that’s a missed opportunity. With some careful thought, you can always include both. That way the rider improves as well as the horse.

This is another variation of one of my favorite exercises. It has a little bit of most things you really need to be good at as a showjumper. As well as a cool little gymnastic, that will work on your horse’s balance and agility and get him really using his scope over the oxer at the end.

So in a nutshell, if you’re looking for great training videos, this is a good place to start.


Ok so this is a pretty straightforward setup, but it still needs to be done properly so pay attention.

Jump1 (Website)
So you start off by building this little gymnastic down the long side of your arena. Take care to try to set it up in the middle of the long side if you can. So it starts with quite a tall vertical, then 7 paces away to a low vertical which will be your first bounce. Then 3 paces away is your second bounce. Followed by another 7 paces to a low wide oxer.
Jump 2
Then down the other long side of your arena, you build a vertical.
Jump 3
Then 16 paces away, you build an oxer. For a 3 stride related distance. Then 12 paces away you build a vertical, for a 2 stride combination
Jump 4
Then you build an oxer at an angle as seen at number 4, it needs to be 32 paces, on a curve, away from number 2/5. For a 7 stride related distance.
Jump 5
Then lastly an oxer at an angle like number 6, that’s 28 paces away from number 7, for a 6 stride related distance on a curve. And that’s it, you’re all good to go.

Showjumping training videos

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So that’s our showjumping training tip for this week. You are also most welcome to join our Facebook group. We are a group of like-minded showjumpers from around the world. We all want to become the best showjumpers we can be. You can post videos and get feedback from the other riders, including myself. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP

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