Show jumping exercises for horse and rider

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Show jumping exercises are one of the best ways to improve your riding. The tricky part is making sure you are doing the correct training. You can be training as hard as anyone else, but if you’re not doing the correct show jumping exercises, you’re going to struggle to succeed in the sport of showjumping.

This exercise starts off with a really well know gymnastic brought into the mainstream by famous German showjumper Hans Gunter Winkler. It’s great for agility and balance, and will also get your horse using his body properly over the oxer. The rest of the exercise has some nice flowing related distances and a few tricky turns.


Ok, so this setup is a little complicated. You need to take care some jumps don’t get in the way of the path you need to ride around this exercise. My advice is to lay the poles out first, and then check that there aren’t any jumps in the way, before you build them.

Number 1
Ok so on the one long side of your arena you build the gymnastic. The distance between the verticals is 3 paces to make them a bounce. And the distance between the bounce and the oxers is 6 and a half paces for 1 short stride.
Number 2
You then build an oxer in the bottom corner at an angle.
Number 3
Then 32 paces away, on a curve, you set up a vertical like so. The line will ride 7 strides.
Number 4
Followed by an oxer at an angle in the bottom corner.
Number 5
Then 28 paces away on a curve, you set up an oxer, and lastly, 8 paces away you set up a vertical to make a 1 stride combination. And that’s it, you’re all good to go.

Show jumping exercises

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