How to walk a show jumping course

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How to walk a show jumping course is something every showjumper needs to know how to do well. Simply knowing where to go from beginning to end is not enough. You need to know of potential pitfalls that may be waiting for the uninformed rider to fall into. But you don’t want to be one of those now, do you?
The following videos will show you how to walk a show jumping course well. As well as what to look out for when walking a course, and how to remedy the relevant pitfalls.

Related distance between jumps one and two

Seems completely innocent, doesn’t it? However, this little test has caught out more riders than you can imagine. Most times they’re completely unaware of why. This video will explain why and how you can avoid this little problem.

A related distance after a double combination

Maybe a little more obvious, but still always surprises me how few people know about this one. This one can really mess with the related distance, so watch this video to find out why, and how best to ride it…

A related distance between two verticals

This one is often overlooked, bat can certainly make a difference between jumping a clear round or having one down. So check the video out, and make sure you look out for it the next time you walk a course.

How the direction of your approach affects a related distance on a curve

This is one very few of you will know about. If you do know give yourself a pat on the back, because it took me a while to figure this one out. The direction you approach a related distance on a curve can determine weather the related distance rides long, short or as it walked. This video will explain why.

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So that’s our showjumping training tips for this week. You are also most welcome to join our Facebook group. We are a group of like-minded showjumpers from around the world. We all want to become the best showjumpers we can be. You can post videos and get feedback from the other riders, including myself. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP

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